Wind Turbine Technician
The Wind Turbine Technician is responsible for on-site installation, maintenance, and repair of Nordex Delta 4000 wind turbines. This includes maintaining wind turbine safety, inspecting, repairing, and replacing components, and ensuring the turbines perform at peak efficiency.
- Perform on-site installation, maintenance, and repair of Nordex wind turbines
- Maintain wind turbine safety by checking for hazards during tasks such as climbing ladders or operating equipment in elevated positions
- Inspect and replace components as necessary to ensure the turbines are performing at peak efficiency
- Perform electrical troubleshooting to find the root cause of problems
- Utilize a variety of tools such as power tools and test equipment
- Be able to work with minimal supervision
- Work independently with minimal direction from the supervisor
- Start: July 19th;
- Location: Finland;
- Duration: 6 Months;
- Nordex Delta 4000 experience;
- Medical certificate;
- GWO BST 5 modules;
- GWO BTT modules;
- MLC medical certificate;
- European Union passport;
- Covid-19 vaccination;
- Fluent English.
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